Entries by tbrown

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West End Business Survey

Do you own or operate a business in the West End? We need your feedback! Your voice is an extremely valuable part of shaping the vision for the future of the West End community! The West End community is working on a Choice Neighborhoods Transformation Plan in partnership with the Cincinnati Metropolitan Housing Authority (CMHA). […]


January Office Hours By Appointment Only

Seven Hills Neighborhood Houses offices will  be closed on January 10, 2022, through January 31, 2022, due to the rise in COVID CASES. We expect to resume regular business hours on February 1, 2022.  (In the last 7 days in OHIO, 20,411 new cases as of (1/4/2022). Victim Services  (513) 306-1091  or (513) 306-1454 Eviction/ Rent Assistance  (513) 302-7145 Food Assistance  (513) 407-5981


Ezz Fest 2021

Thank you to all the community partners and sponsors who made Ezz Fest 2021 possible and to the residents of the West End residents! Photo credit: Joe Simon Ezz Fest Sponsors:) Seven Hills Neighborhood Houses Cincinnati Parks Foundation Cincinnati Parks FC Cincinnati Development Fund of the West End


4th Annual EZZ Fest

We hope you are ready for Ezz Fest 2021!      It will take place on Saturday, October 9th from 10a – 2p. at the beautiful Laurel Park on Ezzard Charles Drive. At the event you can share any opportunities, resources, swag giveaways, and marketing material. We will also have food vendors, arts activities, family fun and live bands performing.  […]


Residents, local leaders unite to revitalize neighborhood planning for the West End

Robert Killins wants to be a part of the change that is happening in his neighborhood. That’s why the West End resident is an organizer for WE Speaks, a plan to help make sure residents of all incomes have a voice in developments and investment in the area. Read the full story here: https://www.wcpo.com/news/transportation-development/residents-local-leaders-unite-to-revitalize-neighborhood-planning-for-the-west-end?fbclid=IwAR3rWV624yFsfy9On89CQF1AgIXEHPYCJ7DtX0E0epREZKpIWI3LQ1oUguw   […]


SHNH wins an Impact 100 grant!!

Impact 100 empowers women to dramatically improve lives by collectively funding significant grants that make a lasting impact in our community. Their vision is to be the model organization which enables a woman to realize the power and reward of her giving. Seven Hills Neighborhood Houses was recently awarded funding to help support the renovation […]