Volunteers are critical to fulfilling the mission of the Neighborhood House. They provide specialized skills that are vital to delivering services to the West End Neighborhood.
The Neighborhood House has many student volunteers to increase programming, administrative, and technology support. These include paid student co-ops, work-study, and unpaid interns fulfilling University of Cincinnati (UC) degree requirements. In the past, these students have worked directly with the Sports and Beyond, After School, Summer Day Camp, and Victims of Crime Outreach Programs as well as assisted with improving social media presence, special events, and clerical work.
Volunteer Needs
We have students and residents wanting to offer their support for our organization. To help us best leverage these valuable resources, we need a Volunteer Coordinator to develop a Volunteer Training Program and schedule volunteer opportunities. Our current staff currently works very hard to meet the need but could expand and tailor offerings if a coordinator were present to support them.