- Community Development Corporation – In 2015 the Neighborhood House earned the status of lead Place Matters agency and the Community Development Corporation of the West End. This was completed in partnership with Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC).
- WE (West End) Speaks Community Plan- As the lead agency for Place Matters, the Neighborhood House executes the West End Quality of Life Plan (QLP) by organizing meetings and gatherings, facilitation of conversations, administering social capital surveys, encouraging community share-outs, and ensuring regular communication.
- Community Land Cooperative of Cincinnati (CLCC) – The Community Land Cooperative of Cincinnati (CLCC) is a community land trust that removes land and housing from the usual real estate market and then leases or sells the housing to residents at affordable prices. Founded in 1981 by an ecumenical association to prevent the displacement of low-income, African-American residents from their neighborhood, the CLCC was the first urban community land trust in the United States. In addition to helping community residents secure affordable housing, the organization works to empower families and enhance the community. For example, CLCC has supported a community garden and organized a summer camp for area children. CLCC joined under the umbrella of the Neighborhood House in the Summer of 2017.
- MOU with Cincinnati Port Authority – In 2018 following the Community Benefits Agreement between FC Cincinnati, West End Community Council and the Port Authority, the Neighborhood House began working to enter into an MOU with the Port Authority. This partnership is to ensure that community representation has an active seat at the table to be involved in future housing and economic development plans in the West End.
Business Resources
Kiva Loan – If you are a small business owner you may be able to obtain a micro-loan of up to $10,000. Through the Local Initiatives Support Corporation, the Kiva program reaches out to borrowers based on their character, not their credit score. Special emphasis is placed on businesses owned by women and minorities. To learn more, click here: http://www.lisc.org/greater-cincinnati/what-we-do/econ-dev/small-business-support/kiva-microloans/
Cincinnati Access Fund – This loan funding for small businesses was created to improve access to capital—especially for women and minority-owned ventures. To date, $3.5 million in funding has been dedicated to this program, which is a collaboration between Fifth Third Bank, the City of Cincinnati, and LISC Greater Cincinnati. In addition to providing low-interest loans, the program also offers technical assistance and consulting services for growing businesses in Cincinnati neighborhoods. If you’d like to learn more about this program, or about Kiva loans, you can contact Amber David, LISC Greater Cincinnati’s small business specialist, at (513) 723-2113 or adavid@lisc.org.